Rose Regeneration

Land Use Futures

Land Use Futures

Young people have shared their views on future land use and food production with us.

Working with the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs we have gathered insights from 486 young people on:

• The direction of agriculture policy and future of land use in England.

• The challenges and solutions to navigate the diverse range of policy aims for land use.

The research found the most significant motivation for respondents thinking about land use was food production (40%).

39% of respondents were uncertain about the future in terms of the 7-year transition away from EU-based system to England schemes.

A slim majority (53%) of respondents felt they understood the proposed changes in land use. Approaching 60% of respondents were unsure of how the policy changes would affect them.

The three most significant factors which should influence future land use were identified as food production, biodiversity and conservation, and net zero/carbon capture.

In terms of sustainable land use respondents identified improved farm productivity and investment through grants as top priorities.

In relation to skills Innovation, grants, efficiency and diversification were the most popular responses identified.

Over 70% of respondents thought it would be difficult or impossible for new entrants to enter the farming industry.

Almost 50% of respondents felt that the public had a low regard for farmers and agricultural production.

43% of respondents identified ongoing labour supply challenges.

The research findings are available here.