Rose Regeneration


Putting the Spotlight on Farming Communities

Putting the spotlight on farming communitiesOur report, Putting the Spotlight on Farming Communities, was launched by Tim Farron MP (Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hill Farming) at the House of Commons on 21 May 2013.

Tim Farron described the report as “a powerful local response to that old mantra think globally act locally. These networks are not about farming in some abstract or narrow sense. They have wider beneficial impacts for the communities in which they are based and the environment”.

The Farmer Networks project was commissioned by the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) with financial support from Solway Border & Eden and Cumbria Fells & Dales Leader Local Action Groups, the Lake District National Park Authority, Natural England and the Prince’s Countryside Fund.

For more information about this project, please contact

A copy of the report can be downloaded here.

Challenges Facing Farmers

Challenges facing farmersOur Challenges Facing Farmers study looked at the issues facing upland farming communities, as well as possible responses to them.

The research was funded by Oxfam and co-produced with UTASS. It was launched at a Policy Roundtable chaired by Stuart Burgess (Commission for Rural Communities) on 12 October.

The report has received coverage on the BBC Sunday Politics Show and in Farmers Weekly, the NFU, the Herald, the Westmorland Gazette and from the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hill Farming Tim Farron and RuSource.

For more information about this work, please email

A copy of the report can be downloaded here.

Yorkshire Dales Local Food Map

2008Our booklet is about encouraging more robust and locally sustainable food systems in the Yorkshire Dales.

People across the Yorkshire Dales are already taking an active role in growing, eating, cooking, selling and learning about the food that they consume.

This booklet out some positive opportunities for communities across the Yorkshire Dales (indeed communities everywhere) to thrive during what is proving to be a difficult time.

Amid economic pressures (e.g. funding cuts, job losses) and mounting environmental concerns (e.g. climate change), we hope to empower and foster a ‘can do’ attitude.

Sheffield’s Rural Economy

Sheffield's Rural EconomyWe were commissioned to undertake this study to give Sheffield City Council a better understanding of the rural economy.

The study arose as a key action arising from the council’s Rural Communities Strategy.

It details Sheffield’s rural economy, its characteristics, the role it plays for the city, and some of the distinctive challenges and opportunities within the city’s rural communities.

We wanted a better understanding of the potential of our rural economy to inform future policies and actions that will help it to grow in an appropriate way.